Who Am I

Vern's Voluptuous Vixens

I’m Vern Roseman

Most I met at the peak of my physical ability, and that is how I defined myself and how I figured I was defined till I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1997.

As I succumbed more to MS and began to lose my ability, I started to lose my definition of myself. I expected that my friends would be soon to follow.
As time went on, I was proved wrong in that thinking, in a major way, as my friends  all continued to show me more love and friendship than I had known, I had to reevaluate the definition of myself that I had.
Today I do not know where I would be without my friends, my family, those I love.

Now that I have challenges in my mobility, naturally, I look at the world differently. I still want to do the things I used to, but now I must consider ease of accessibility a factor.

Though strives are made, I find that I can’t count on the world to automatically think access, but I need to adapt to my new reality. This is some of my journey.